Friday, September 9, 2011

(RE) Worst yet?

Wildfire is what i fear for Texas. Having my Aunt living there with her new family. It scared me when I woke up Sunday morning to find that my aunt was in danger. After reading other people's posts on the fires only one sentence caught my eye. Frank's was the one that made me wonder
When will the wildfires in Texas stop? 
seeing video's of the fires spreading scared me. Thinking off how many people only had minutes to evacuate and grab very few things, now they might have nothing. Offices lost, will they ever be replace. Will any thing? Yes, but it will take years to rebuild. nothing will ever be the same for the families and people who lost their homes . My aunt's husbands brother and his girlfriend was one of those people left wondering if they would have a home. Lucky, their house was fine..
Seeing this remindes me of what happened with Hurricane Katrina. nothing was left in New Orleans. It took so many years to replace. My heart goes out to the people who have no homes anymore. That people will be luck enought to have homes to go to. Keep them in your mind that all are safe.

1 comment:

  1. Your sympathy for the people affected by these disasters is moving...and highly appropriate.

    Now I'm going to sound like a major bummer: It is entirely likely that we are going to need to open up our hearts to many many more people affected by climate change in the future. What's going on with the fires in Texas (and California)...and with the strength of storms like a function of the rising temperature of this planet. Not a nice reality, but a reality nonetheless...Told you I was going to bum you out here.
