Friday, September 16, 2011

RE: Make- up

"People think that if you don't have everything that you see on television, you aren't normal" ~Brianna Stagnaro-Green
Everything on television is fake. People are prefect images with prefect lives. Leading people to think they need to look the same way. Having nice hair, body, and everything else is not what you are though. What you are in the inside is everything. It is your personality is what counts. Yeah, you may think you look great, but it is not who u are. 
For years, my mom would never let me where make. The first really time that I wore it was last Januaray for my aunts wedding. She alway said that I when I turned sixteen is when she would by me make up. After I did turn sixteen I always got the same old excuse..... your to pretty to wear make- up. So I didn't care, everybody else does.... even my best friend. And she's younger than me. 
I get what my parents say about me wearing make- up. But I don't pack it on like its going out of fashion. Just on my eyes really. I saving the rest because everything costed $250 altogether. Its crazy! but when i think about.... make- up just covers everything that u really are.


  1. I think it's funny that you wrote this, since you're about to BE on TV. :)

    Kidding aside, you (and Brianna) are right that TV does really warp people's ideas of themselves quite often. Try giving it up completely for a while--say a month or so--until after you stop missing it. (Shouldn't take long.) Then turn it back on again. It will look a lot different...suddenly much stupider.

  2. HAAAAAAAAA , definitely cannot go a month without make-up . (:
