Wednesday, September 21, 2011

(Biweekly) Looking

I open my eyes. Its pitch black everywhere. all i remember was looking for something. But I cant remember. i hate when i cant remember. Its like having a blank spot in my mind. Nothing. I know the last thing that happened to me was falling. But falling down what? It was like going down hill, but not rolling. Steps. That's it!! That's right, I was inside a abandoned house. It had no working lights. Searching the house with just my hands was like being blind or blindfolded.
Search in the house is difficult. Having to touch household objects gives me a creepy feeling down my spine. Not knowing what your touching. Judging distances and where you are is totally impossible. All I hope is that I don't hit my toes on anything.
walking through the house is lonely. An empty feeling. Isolation. Walk through something cold and wet. it's disgusting. I stop. then there is a drop on my head. That's when i realize it's water. The roof must have a small leak in it. And it is raining outside. But i keep wondering blindly through the house. i find that i have been wandering the kitchen, but i don't know for how long.
Finally I fine my way to the living room. I feel for the couch. First I feeling for something that is hard as a rock. It's is flat and has four legs. I assume it is a coffee table. Next I slam my shins into something hard a close to the ground. But the top o the piece of furniture to soft and cushy. It is long and has two arms. A couch!! Finally! Now I can get some sleep and continue my adventure somewhere else tomorrow.

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