Thursday, September 8, 2011

(FREE) Respecting Deaths and Painful Memories

In class today we were discussing the weather we should take the time to remember 9/11 of forget. One person thought it was wrong to bring dead loved ones back into peoples lives and memories. Another thought it was also wrong because people who die everyday, from a gun shooting or by a surprise death, never get recognized after their funeral. But the day that this happened, there was no way that anyone would ever completely recover. Even ten years later.
Giving that i was only six when this tragedy happened, it never hit me how horrible this was. But I still remember watching the buildings fall. Seeing seeing the cloud of dust, right on the tails of mortified people running for safety. Now, ten years later, I see what it has done to everybody (if they loosed someone or not). By giving a day for 9/11, people that didn't experience the tragic day can understand and see what happened. But bring the memorize of lost loved ones or surviving and experiencing it first hand in New York, is hard and painful. This day is of respecting people who died for no reason. But others think not.
An argument was made that their was a three year old who was shot and killed a by a drive by shooting in Oakland. But does the little toddler get a day to be recognize by the world. No. Why? Because that is one human being compare to thousands. Yes, that is unfair, but ask yourself, is the world really fair?? No. It never was and never will be.
Forgetting what happened and brushing it off our shoulders is a great mistake. Yes Bin Laden was killed. But did anyone ever take the time to think that there is more people like him. Just waiting to take us out at any give moment. I don't know what other people think, but I think it is more than possible. To me this day can come and bit us in our butts. It can keep us on our toes. Not that were not ready or anything, but you never know what can happen in this crazy world. But this day is also given out of respect. Everybody died for a cause (something nobody in they United States could control) that had nothing to do with them.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about all of this. if we forget, how can we ever learn?
