Thursday, September 22, 2011

(RE) Cellphones

If the world didn't have cell phones teens would be going crazy. Cellphones keep us up to date and allow us to contact people or have a conversation with them when were not any where near them.
As one of the few teens who does not have a cellphone, I know this is not true. A electronic device does not need to run anybodies life. Yes, I do use my friend s cellphones when I need to, but most of the time my parents always know where I am.
Another downer is texting in school and everywhere else. Everybody does it. In class, at lunch, during break. Everyday and 24 hours a day. But there are many downers to it. After reading an article last year about a teen that racked up 24,000 texts a month. thumb cramps and grades slipping in school. Having a phone during school is a privileged. Not a right. This goes for every electronic that is brought onto the campus.
Texting in class is horrible for you. You may think that you are learning everything, but your really not. You miss important details on (for example) the Renaissance. Then when the test comes you're clueless. And you will fail the class. Then when it comes time to apply to colleges, you'll end up going to some crappy school. Lastly, have a crappy job. It all goes down hill all because you need to know where to meet for lunch then start talking about you friends boyfriend/girlfriend.

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