Friday, September 16, 2011

So right now I am sitting in my 6th period class doing homework. All week I have been procrastinating  writing this post. Nothing this week ever struck me as 'I need to write about this'. but now I am sitting here watching everybody else do their homework. Everybody is talking and and lounging around doing nothing.It is sooo Friday. Everybody is complaining about not wanting to do homework. Really, only three people are doing your homework. Man I wish I could do the same thing, but I have way to much homework to do.
The same thing happens to every student every Friday. Everybody wants to go hang with friends and go to home football games. Student can think that they can save there homework to the next day.  but really they forget about it and spend the whole weekend hang out. then on Sunday eventing they remember that they have homework. then they stay up late trying to finish homework.

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