Friday, September 16, 2011

CE: Get Along

Does boming really need to happen?? No. It childish that people can't just get over with their differences. Why cant u just deal with the fact that people are people and NONE of us think alike. Everybody thinks differently. If everybody was to be exactly the same... then life would be boring.
Hidding bombs on two motorcycles and one car killing all three different drivers was just wrong. And in the prosses injurying sixty other people. It is rediculous what people do these days. Even the United States can be wrong too. But, these people either died or were injured for no reason.
Its like school. Bullies are always attacting other people. And they only do it to make themselfs feel better. It makes no sense how the human brain works. If u got a problem talk it out. No, that does not mean swaering at eachother. Have an adult conversation.

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