Thursday, September 22, 2011

(FREE) If you had million dollars, what would you do with it?

If you had million dollars, what would you do with it?
I have been asked this question many time. Particularly by my dad. i have spent hours pondering if my answer is the right one. But I see it all depends on what the person want to do with there life. I  say keep it and save it, give some to charity, and spend a little. My friend says 'Id get a new wardrobe and pay off our house and buy my mom a new car'. 
I asked the same thing but to a different person. It is weird how that works. It is all about what the person need or want. But wanting a new wardrobe is really something that is wanted than needed. Everybody can survive with the same clothes. But people need to stay with the fashion trends. My friend though has some of the same points as I do. We both want to us some money on our self, and help other people. But helping is better than just caring for yourself. 

(CE) Alameda.. In the news...What??

Everybody says that Alameda is perfectly safe. But, that is what all the adults say. In high school though, you know who the druggies and drinkers are. People who go out with each other. Everything. Yeah things can get twisted along the rumor line. But, parents are blind who there children are and who the hang out with.
Over the summer my cousins came to visit us and Alameda for the first time. My family was always telling them how great Alameda is. When they came we took them out for lunch. When at the the restaurant, one of my moms friends came up and they started talking about the move the family had.
The family move to the west end of the island on the old navy base. According the the mother there was shooting all the time. Kids would ride around on bicycles looking out for cops when drug dealing is taking place. Nothing and no one was safe. Yeah people are are poorer on that end on the. But it is us that says Alameda is perfect.

(RE) Cellphones

If the world didn't have cell phones teens would be going crazy. Cellphones keep us up to date and allow us to contact people or have a conversation with them when were not any where near them.
As one of the few teens who does not have a cellphone, I know this is not true. A electronic device does not need to run anybodies life. Yes, I do use my friend s cellphones when I need to, but most of the time my parents always know where I am.
Another downer is texting in school and everywhere else. Everybody does it. In class, at lunch, during break. Everyday and 24 hours a day. But there are many downers to it. After reading an article last year about a teen that racked up 24,000 texts a month. thumb cramps and grades slipping in school. Having a phone during school is a privileged. Not a right. This goes for every electronic that is brought onto the campus.
Texting in class is horrible for you. You may think that you are learning everything, but your really not. You miss important details on (for example) the Renaissance. Then when the test comes you're clueless. And you will fail the class. Then when it comes time to apply to colleges, you'll end up going to some crappy school. Lastly, have a crappy job. It all goes down hill all because you need to know where to meet for lunch then start talking about you friends boyfriend/girlfriend.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

(Biweekly) Looking

I open my eyes. Its pitch black everywhere. all i remember was looking for something. But I cant remember. i hate when i cant remember. Its like having a blank spot in my mind. Nothing. I know the last thing that happened to me was falling. But falling down what? It was like going down hill, but not rolling. Steps. That's it!! That's right, I was inside a abandoned house. It had no working lights. Searching the house with just my hands was like being blind or blindfolded.
Search in the house is difficult. Having to touch household objects gives me a creepy feeling down my spine. Not knowing what your touching. Judging distances and where you are is totally impossible. All I hope is that I don't hit my toes on anything.
walking through the house is lonely. An empty feeling. Isolation. Walk through something cold and wet. it's disgusting. I stop. then there is a drop on my head. That's when i realize it's water. The roof must have a small leak in it. And it is raining outside. But i keep wondering blindly through the house. i find that i have been wandering the kitchen, but i don't know for how long.
Finally I fine my way to the living room. I feel for the couch. First I feeling for something that is hard as a rock. It's is flat and has four legs. I assume it is a coffee table. Next I slam my shins into something hard a close to the ground. But the top o the piece of furniture to soft and cushy. It is long and has two arms. A couch!! Finally! Now I can get some sleep and continue my adventure somewhere else tomorrow.

Friday, September 16, 2011

CE: Get Along

Does boming really need to happen?? No. It childish that people can't just get over with their differences. Why cant u just deal with the fact that people are people and NONE of us think alike. Everybody thinks differently. If everybody was to be exactly the same... then life would be boring.
Hidding bombs on two motorcycles and one car killing all three different drivers was just wrong. And in the prosses injurying sixty other people. It is rediculous what people do these days. Even the United States can be wrong too. But, these people either died or were injured for no reason.
Its like school. Bullies are always attacting other people. And they only do it to make themselfs feel better. It makes no sense how the human brain works. If u got a problem talk it out. No, that does not mean swaering at eachother. Have an adult conversation.

RE: Make- up

"People think that if you don't have everything that you see on television, you aren't normal" ~Brianna Stagnaro-Green
Everything on television is fake. People are prefect images with prefect lives. Leading people to think they need to look the same way. Having nice hair, body, and everything else is not what you are though. What you are in the inside is everything. It is your personality is what counts. Yeah, you may think you look great, but it is not who u are. 
For years, my mom would never let me where make. The first really time that I wore it was last Januaray for my aunts wedding. She alway said that I when I turned sixteen is when she would by me make up. After I did turn sixteen I always got the same old excuse..... your to pretty to wear make- up. So I didn't care, everybody else does.... even my best friend. And she's younger than me. 
I get what my parents say about me wearing make- up. But I don't pack it on like its going out of fashion. Just on my eyes really. I saving the rest because everything costed $250 altogether. Its crazy! but when i think about.... make- up just covers everything that u really are.

So right now I am sitting in my 6th period class doing homework. All week I have been procrastinating  writing this post. Nothing this week ever struck me as 'I need to write about this'. but now I am sitting here watching everybody else do their homework. Everybody is talking and and lounging around doing nothing.It is sooo Friday. Everybody is complaining about not wanting to do homework. Really, only three people are doing your homework. Man I wish I could do the same thing, but I have way to much homework to do.
The same thing happens to every student every Friday. Everybody wants to go hang with friends and go to home football games. Student can think that they can save there homework to the next day.  but really they forget about it and spend the whole weekend hang out. then on Sunday eventing they remember that they have homework. then they stay up late trying to finish homework.

Friday, September 9, 2011

(CE) Again
When I first was that someone made a threat on the United States i thought they were crazy. it is so close to the tenth anniversary of 9/11. then when I sat down to actually think what this could do to everybody. The devastation would be worst than ever. More people lost for nothing. Even though homeland security is on alert.Doesn't mean they still wont attack. multiple attempts on airplane have been made to kill. They all got by security. So, does that mean they can get passed us again? I think it is possible, but it is scary to think that something like 9/11 can happen again.
If somthing like this were to happen to us again then, what would we do? Just clean up the mess and help the hurt. Yes. But will anything be done about terrorists attacks in the future? Only time will tell.

(RE) Worst yet?

Wildfire is what i fear for Texas. Having my Aunt living there with her new family. It scared me when I woke up Sunday morning to find that my aunt was in danger. After reading other people's posts on the fires only one sentence caught my eye. Frank's was the one that made me wonder
When will the wildfires in Texas stop? 
seeing video's of the fires spreading scared me. Thinking off how many people only had minutes to evacuate and grab very few things, now they might have nothing. Offices lost, will they ever be replace. Will any thing? Yes, but it will take years to rebuild. nothing will ever be the same for the families and people who lost their homes . My aunt's husbands brother and his girlfriend was one of those people left wondering if they would have a home. Lucky, their house was fine..
Seeing this remindes me of what happened with Hurricane Katrina. nothing was left in New Orleans. It took so many years to replace. My heart goes out to the people who have no homes anymore. That people will be luck enought to have homes to go to. Keep them in your mind that all are safe.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

(FREE) Respecting Deaths and Painful Memories

In class today we were discussing the weather we should take the time to remember 9/11 of forget. One person thought it was wrong to bring dead loved ones back into peoples lives and memories. Another thought it was also wrong because people who die everyday, from a gun shooting or by a surprise death, never get recognized after their funeral. But the day that this happened, there was no way that anyone would ever completely recover. Even ten years later.
Giving that i was only six when this tragedy happened, it never hit me how horrible this was. But I still remember watching the buildings fall. Seeing seeing the cloud of dust, right on the tails of mortified people running for safety. Now, ten years later, I see what it has done to everybody (if they loosed someone or not). By giving a day for 9/11, people that didn't experience the tragic day can understand and see what happened. But bring the memorize of lost loved ones or surviving and experiencing it first hand in New York, is hard and painful. This day is of respecting people who died for no reason. But others think not.
An argument was made that their was a three year old who was shot and killed a by a drive by shooting in Oakland. But does the little toddler get a day to be recognize by the world. No. Why? Because that is one human being compare to thousands. Yes, that is unfair, but ask yourself, is the world really fair?? No. It never was and never will be.
Forgetting what happened and brushing it off our shoulders is a great mistake. Yes Bin Laden was killed. But did anyone ever take the time to think that there is more people like him. Just waiting to take us out at any give moment. I don't know what other people think, but I think it is more than possible. To me this day can come and bit us in our butts. It can keep us on our toes. Not that were not ready or anything, but you never know what can happen in this crazy world. But this day is also given out of respect. Everybody died for a cause (something nobody in they United States could control) that had nothing to do with them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I am Laura Jarecki. The oldest and only daughter to Neal and Heather. I have four siblings. i have six pets. also many hobbies like camping and hiking. Lastly played two sports.
having four brothers and being the only girl is always crazy for my parent. our age range is from sixteen to ten. The first oldest of the boys is Ryan. He is a junior and is on the junior-varsity football team. He and Joseph and my nest brother, Joseph,are both in Boy Scouts. Joseph just stared his freshman at Alameda High. He is on the cross-country team and is planning of the diving team. lastly, comes Eric and Andrew. they are also twins. they are ten years old and just started the fourth grade. they are both in cub scouts too.
In a family of seven we have to mach that with almost as many pets. first come our two dogs. Scout is a six year old beagle. He loves to howl at any dog that passes our side gate. he also like rough housing in the backyard with our other dog Boo. She is a black Rhodesian Ridgeback Plott hound mix. Boo is two, but, for the most part, quite. she mostly sits in the backyard in joying the sun. they both (on occasion like to get out of  out backyard for a joy run around Alameda. Next comes the four hamster. we have two boy, Tommy and Eddie. And two girls, Violet and Sky. the hamsters don't really do much other than sit in their cage, sleeping, and running in their wheel (but that's at night).
Camping is one thing i love doing. my family always going on trips with Ryan and Joseph's Boy Scout troop. Some places that we go to is Kings Canyon, Yosemite, Hell Hole Reservoir, and Angle Island. I also read in the spare time that i can find. i also sew. on the very occsional project from my parent. Some writing goals that i have for writing this year is to get mor in depth in my writing. This because teachers have always (middle to last school year) been telling me that i need to go deeper.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hey ppl! this is a fun raiser that i need some help is all for my cousin. He has had this horrible disease for about a year non. he also has two dsutgher and a wife. I am riding 25 miles or so... If u could please either donate or ask ur parent to donate, it would help very much.