Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy Oakland

So today I was talking to my dad about this Occupy Oakland thing. To me, honestly, I find it pointless. I mean I now our generation is getting screwed. But all it is to me is a bunch of people sitting in front of the city hall hoping that something will change. How is anything going to change with people just camping in front of a building.
But when talking to my dad he said that it is just a bunch of poorer people mad and the so called richer people. I am not saying that my family is rich. Cause were not. Al together there is seven of us. Not including two dogs and hamsters. I guess my dad is just got lucky with his job. Plus, according to my parent, that the are going to watch there spending's or spend less soon anyways.
 I am saying that people want something changed but they don't know what. Tomorrow the same thing is going to happen in Alameda. Some people who all want a different change and have no agreement on what is, are all going out to stay in front of city hall. Come people lets really use our heads here. Is staying in front of a government building really going to do anything? No. Not until they want you off there lawn so they can get it mowed. And even if they do a change it will be minimal. Nothing that  is really going to effect us with a huge impact.I am sorry for all you people out there who need the help. But honestly, it not going to do anything major to you. Your probably better off looking for a job or something before anything is done at city hall.


  1. That's the point. You understand now. It is just the fact that in order for people to live comfortably they have to "get lucky" that has everyone's panties in a bunch.
    Also, if everyone could find well-paying, respectable jobs then we wouldn't have this problem.
    I think you need to look into more stats and facts, as well as this blog
    and then reassess your position!!

  2. You say that to you it's just a bunch of people sitting in front of a building and to you that's nothing, I get it. I love you Laura, but I feel this was kind of ignorant of you to post this. They are people that are trying to show the government that they won't stand for the bullshit we're getting from them. They may just be camping out in front of a building, but I don't see you getting up and doing anything better, giving a fuck, or coming up with some better shit. You really don't think they try to look for jobs? The fucking people who don't have money are trying but the economy is so low people can't hire other people because they can't afford to pay them. Our generation is getting screwed and it will probably be worse when we get older. You obviously don't know to much about this topic. You should do some research on it, or go talk to someone who feels strong about this.

  3. If people have a problem on my political views and are trying to change that..... stop.
