Monday, October 17, 2011


Must clarify rules on medical marijuanaFifteen years after state voters approved marijuana use by those in medical need, it's time for state and federal officials to hammer out reasonable guidelines for implementation. Our current system is not working.
So if you read last weeks post about my "friend" that thinks smoking weed is a genus idea. Well, lets just say its not. I have away been taught that this and all shit is bad for you. I have never believed once that it fixes everything. I know that making it medical is to help with the pain and sick feeling during chemotherapy. But everybody knows that it is always given out to someone who doesn't need it. They just say they need it because that is the only way they can get it. But, nothing has ever been done about. Giving medical marijuana to people that really don't need, takes away the chance of someone who really is going through something that just plain sucks, well it is so wrong.
This should not be a back-door entrance to general pot legalization
Making this stuff legal is just plain stupid.  I mean if you want dumb ass crack-head running around and making a mess everywhere. Sure by all means make it legal. I honestly don't. All it does, from what is told to me and what I can tell about the people who smoke, is that your stuck in a very happy place. Everything is funny to you. And if your way up in the sky, you don't remember anything.

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