Wednesday, October 19, 2011


when watching the movie on how banks are stealing our money and making look like the president at the time, George Bush, caused all of our economic issues. Well, it not. It looks like since the banks took advantage of this to gather more money. The same thing happened 82 years ago. The Great Depression had the same thing happen to them, but in a different time.

Recessions mean economic activity is falling
  This what happened to the United States during the depression. Our economics go's up then falls because it cant any better. Then when it goes to far down then comes back up. And it continues. Also when watching the movie, I also noticed that every government official that was talked to was a Democrat. I don't have anything against it. But it makes look like it is the Republicans fault. Hint, hint.... making look like George Bush did it. That is not right. Most everyone in my family (parents, grandparents, cousin and so on) are Republicans. It makes it look like all republicans are at fault for economic issues. It is everybody. Putting the fault one people that you and others don't like is not fair.
By the way it is not only us it everywhere. 
Spain continues to struggle with a recession that has lasted nearly two years, and investors fear that it could be the next European country to require a bailout package.

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