Thursday, October 13, 2011

(FREE) Chances

Friendship never last forever.  My longest friendship started in fourth grade. She is still my friend today. But we both have changed since then. We have our own views on different thing. We have other friend that we dislike or both like. But right now we are disagreeing on chances.  

When I was in fifth grade a old friend and I got into an argument. Breaking us apart for a few days. After the weekend we were all good. But nothing was ever the same. I gave her another chance hoping that she might be different. Something was always wrong.

When we got into middle it was still the same awkwardness between us. I still felt that she didn't treat me right. I was like her puppy, just being push around doing stuff her her like I had nothing better to do. But kept going back to her, giving her more chances. But finally had another disagreement. Breaking us apart forever. But just recently we just made up.

Now i am having the same problem on giving one to many chances. I given this person so many chances it not even funny. I have dont it to keep another and just to make people happy. but it doesnt make me happy. I was literaly begged to give this person one more chance. With excuses like "they changed." But to me they havent changed one bit. I never really had trust for this person at all. But soon as I found that they started smoking and they kept it from me, I was pissed off.

Last year these people had a problem with one of my other friends, who also smoked. And they begged me not to be friends with that person. But for awhile I really didnt care. I knew as long as it wasnt me doing the smoking i was fine. But then they started saying that if i dont stop hang with my new friend that they would stop being friends with me.

So now one of my old friend is smoking. Which last year she and they others got mad at me for hanging out with someone that smoke. But im also growing tired of giving her chances. She had many over the summer. And to this day. But know i am so done with it. I made it very clear to her that one more bitchy additude toward me or anyone else or her going off to smoke behind our backs and i find out. I am gone. I will have nothing to do with her anymore.

One of the friends, that begged me to give her one more chance, said it was childish. When I have given more than enough chances. But she has never had this problem before. I know. I have been with her since fourth grade. Yes, I did try to help her see the chance that she was making was a mistake. But she refused to listen. So, honistly, if this doesnt work out then it is her fault not mine. I dont want ballin' her eyes out to me.

I know what I just wrote is all kinda confusing but really people need to stop with the drama. It really needs to stop. So, sorry for all the confusion it this post. It all makes since to me. But then again Im the one dealing or dealt with this shit.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you're talking about, and frankly, i feel sorry for you. I'm happy that we're friends beyond all that shit. It's not fair what they do and how they make you feel cos you've told me about it all. And it's also about me. From an outsiders point of view you are like their puppet. Be your own person. Talk to who you want WHO CARES IF THEY DON'T LIKE IT. It's not like you're asking them to be friends with the person they don't like. It's your life. It's not effecting them in anyway. As your friends, I'm just telling you my opinion because I see how much it upset and hurts you. Just do you. You have other friends. If they don't like it then that's their problem. SAVE THAT DRAMA FO' YO' MAMA. (: <3
