Sunday, October 23, 2011

(RE) %

That's the point. You understand now. It is just the fact that in order for people to live comfortably they have to "get lucky" that has everyone's panties in a bunch.
and then reassess your position!!
I feel this was kind of ignorant of you to post this. They are people that are trying to show the government that they won't stand for the bullshit we're getting from them. 
If people have a problem on my political views and are trying to change that..... stop. I grew up with a republican family. I had my mom read this and she said it was fine not ignorant. But I believe what I see fit for this situation.But trying to make this a socialist country, where everybody is paid the same not matter what job they have, isn't going to work. It was tried in Russia and FAILED! Also,we are in a depression that nobody have the gut to realize and covers it by calling it a "depressing recession".
We live in a world where unemployment and staggering levels of debt are the new normal, where poverty and homelessness are met by police violence and incarceration. The entire global economy is broken, and politicians in the US and elsewhere remain powerless to do anything about it. It’s time to take power into our own hands, to occupy the spaces from which we have been excluded and reclaim everything that has been stolen from us.
The bank took advantage of a weakness that was found among us. That's the what they do to get money. And bunches of people fell for it. And blaming it on President Bush, just because he was in office at the time is just wrong. Yeah maybe he he might of did something. But the economy just crashed at the time he was president. 
President Herbert Hoover was also a president during the Great Depression. And shockingly enough, he was blamed for it. Also there were reasons why the Great Depression happened is, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, Bank Failures, Reduction in Purchasing Across the Board, American Economic Policy with Europe, Drought Conditions. That sounds almost the same as now(other that the drought conditions).

When my dad's dad was a kid, getting a good job with a high school diploma was always possible and happened all the time. When my dad was in high school you could still get a id, but not a good paying job. Plus you would get a better job if you went to college. Now, you have to go to college to be able to pay for everyday things. Your mortgage, utilities, groceries, clothes and many others particularly insurance.
 Does blaming it on people who know how, and did make a living. The 1% did not take your money. If you think that, then what corruped world are you from. Just because someone is paid more that you, got a job that not many people have but is needed (Neurosurgeons), and learned to save right. Blaming people is not right. Because it wont fix a thing.
Everybody in this world has worked the asses off at som point if another. But blaming the people who are still working their asses off to make a living is NOT right.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


when watching the movie on how banks are stealing our money and making look like the president at the time, George Bush, caused all of our economic issues. Well, it not. It looks like since the banks took advantage of this to gather more money. The same thing happened 82 years ago. The Great Depression had the same thing happen to them, but in a different time.

Recessions mean economic activity is falling
  This what happened to the United States during the depression. Our economics go's up then falls because it cant any better. Then when it goes to far down then comes back up. And it continues. Also when watching the movie, I also noticed that every government official that was talked to was a Democrat. I don't have anything against it. But it makes look like it is the Republicans fault. Hint, hint.... making look like George Bush did it. That is not right. Most everyone in my family (parents, grandparents, cousin and so on) are Republicans. It makes it look like all republicans are at fault for economic issues. It is everybody. Putting the fault one people that you and others don't like is not fair.
By the way it is not only us it everywhere. 
Spain continues to struggle with a recession that has lasted nearly two years, and investors fear that it could be the next European country to require a bailout package.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Must clarify rules on medical marijuanaFifteen years after state voters approved marijuana use by those in medical need, it's time for state and federal officials to hammer out reasonable guidelines for implementation. Our current system is not working.
So if you read last weeks post about my "friend" that thinks smoking weed is a genus idea. Well, lets just say its not. I have away been taught that this and all shit is bad for you. I have never believed once that it fixes everything. I know that making it medical is to help with the pain and sick feeling during chemotherapy. But everybody knows that it is always given out to someone who doesn't need it. They just say they need it because that is the only way they can get it. But, nothing has ever been done about. Giving medical marijuana to people that really don't need, takes away the chance of someone who really is going through something that just plain sucks, well it is so wrong.
This should not be a back-door entrance to general pot legalization
Making this stuff legal is just plain stupid.  I mean if you want dumb ass crack-head running around and making a mess everywhere. Sure by all means make it legal. I honestly don't. All it does, from what is told to me and what I can tell about the people who smoke, is that your stuck in a very happy place. Everything is funny to you. And if your way up in the sky, you don't remember anything.

Occupy Oakland

So today I was talking to my dad about this Occupy Oakland thing. To me, honestly, I find it pointless. I mean I now our generation is getting screwed. But all it is to me is a bunch of people sitting in front of the city hall hoping that something will change. How is anything going to change with people just camping in front of a building.
But when talking to my dad he said that it is just a bunch of poorer people mad and the so called richer people. I am not saying that my family is rich. Cause were not. Al together there is seven of us. Not including two dogs and hamsters. I guess my dad is just got lucky with his job. Plus, according to my parent, that the are going to watch there spending's or spend less soon anyways.
 I am saying that people want something changed but they don't know what. Tomorrow the same thing is going to happen in Alameda. Some people who all want a different change and have no agreement on what is, are all going out to stay in front of city hall. Come people lets really use our heads here. Is staying in front of a government building really going to do anything? No. Not until they want you off there lawn so they can get it mowed. And even if they do a change it will be minimal. Nothing that  is really going to effect us with a huge impact.I am sorry for all you people out there who need the help. But honestly, it not going to do anything major to you. Your probably better off looking for a job or something before anything is done at city hall.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

(FREE) Chances

Friendship never last forever.  My longest friendship started in fourth grade. She is still my friend today. But we both have changed since then. We have our own views on different thing. We have other friend that we dislike or both like. But right now we are disagreeing on chances.  

When I was in fifth grade a old friend and I got into an argument. Breaking us apart for a few days. After the weekend we were all good. But nothing was ever the same. I gave her another chance hoping that she might be different. Something was always wrong.

When we got into middle it was still the same awkwardness between us. I still felt that she didn't treat me right. I was like her puppy, just being push around doing stuff her her like I had nothing better to do. But kept going back to her, giving her more chances. But finally had another disagreement. Breaking us apart forever. But just recently we just made up.

Now i am having the same problem on giving one to many chances. I given this person so many chances it not even funny. I have dont it to keep another and just to make people happy. but it doesnt make me happy. I was literaly begged to give this person one more chance. With excuses like "they changed." But to me they havent changed one bit. I never really had trust for this person at all. But soon as I found that they started smoking and they kept it from me, I was pissed off.

Last year these people had a problem with one of my other friends, who also smoked. And they begged me not to be friends with that person. But for awhile I really didnt care. I knew as long as it wasnt me doing the smoking i was fine. But then they started saying that if i dont stop hang with my new friend that they would stop being friends with me.

So now one of my old friend is smoking. Which last year she and they others got mad at me for hanging out with someone that smoke. But im also growing tired of giving her chances. She had many over the summer. And to this day. But know i am so done with it. I made it very clear to her that one more bitchy additude toward me or anyone else or her going off to smoke behind our backs and i find out. I am gone. I will have nothing to do with her anymore.

One of the friends, that begged me to give her one more chance, said it was childish. When I have given more than enough chances. But she has never had this problem before. I know. I have been with her since fourth grade. Yes, I did try to help her see the chance that she was making was a mistake. But she refused to listen. So, honistly, if this doesnt work out then it is her fault not mine. I dont want ballin' her eyes out to me.

I know what I just wrote is all kinda confusing but really people need to stop with the drama. It really needs to stop. So, sorry for all the confusion it this post. It all makes since to me. But then again Im the one dealing or dealt with this shit.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

(BIWEEKLY) Life to death

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.-Steven Jobs, in a 2005 speech.
If you have know that you are going to die soon then everything you do will be with you. Asking yourself every step you talk you'll ask if this is worth the time you have left. If the answer is no then go find something that is worth doing. And if the answer is yes, then take hold of the moment and remember forever. I also agree with his advice because everybody takes things for granted. Everybody who has a phone and has texting is going on 24/7. Everything that you do is in some way kept on phones. But advice is one thing that you should never take for granted. Follow it, unless it is something ridiculous.
If you were to start following his advice of living everyday as if it was your last, life and you would change. You would learn that anything that is done in this world isn't perfect. Everything that would be done would have much more purpose to you. You would care more for everything. Your grades in school, What arguments that you have and don't have, what you do after school. Before you do anything you will think how will this effect me and in what ways?